Info for draw
Don’t forget to play!! Deadline to play is midnight on Wednesday
Locations of our boxes are:
- City Limits Convenience (Shell)
- The Portage Restaurant
- The Canadian Tire Gas Bar
- Petro-Can (Kingston’s)
- Staples (Douglastown)
- Royal Canadian Legion Br. 3
If you are interested and would like to pay for up to a full year in advance, place your money and number in an envelope and drop it into the mailbox attached to the side door at the legion. Note this is a secure box.
Quick tip for individuals who may have forgotten what their number is for the weekly draw – Place money in an envelope and place your name and phone number on the envelope then place in one of our boxes and our volunteers will find your number to put it in the draw (if you have more than one number write that on the envelope too). As well you can call 7737433 on Thursday during the day and our volunteers will look up your number(s) so you will know number for following week.